Obigation & Suggestion (Must Should)
Good morning my students, how are you today? Hopefully, you are in the good condition.
Hari ini kita akan mempelajari materi baru yaitu tentang “We know what to do” (Chapter III).
Ok students, in this chapter we will learn to give suggestion and to state rules and obligations.
Lets start!
1. To give suggestions (untuk memberi saran)
To give suggestions we can use “should and should not”.
- You should ask question in English. (Kamu harus bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris.)
- You should answer questions in English. (Kamu harus menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris).
- You should not play too much. (Kamu seharusnya tidak terlalu banyak bermain)
- You should not speak when teacher is explaining. (Kamu seharusnya tidak berbicara ketika guru sedang menjelaskan.)
2. To state rules and obligations (untuk menyatakan aturan dan kewajiban)
a. To state rules
Rules mean something we need to follow. (Peraturan artinya sesuatu yang harus kita patuhi)
To state rules we can use “must” and “must not”.
- We must wear a uniform every day. (Kita harus memakai seragam setiap hari)
- We must not be late to school. (Kita tidak boleh terlambat ke sekolah.)
- We must not litter. (Kita tidak boleh membuang sampah sembarangan.)
b. Obligations
Obligations mean something we need to do. (Obligasi berarti sesuatu yang harus kita lakukan / kewajiban.)
For obligations we also can use “must” and “must not”.
- We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. (Kita harus menjaga kelas kita bersih dan rapi.)
- You must study hard to get good scores. (Kamu harus rajin belajar supaya mendapatkan nilai yang bagus.)
- You must not play outside when raining. (Kamu tidak boleh bermain diluar saat hujan.)