Good morning, my students. How’s life? I hope you are in good
condition. Don’t forget to “STAY AT HOME” and keep “PROKES” in your
daily activities. And don’t forget to comsume nutricious food and do
O.K. my students, today we will discuss the new material, that is “LABEL”.
You can also open your paket book on page 65-84, Chapter III “Be
Healthy, be happy”
Let’s start…!!
- What do you see in the pictures?
- What are witten on those packages?
- Why does a manufacturer write those texts?
- What do you see in the picture? (answer: product packages)
- What are witten on those packages? (answer: label text)
- Why does a manufacturer write those texts? (answer: To give detailed information of the product.
- What do you see in the pictures?
- What are witten on those packages?
- Why does a manufacturer write those texts?
Bagaimana, sudah bisa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut? Kalo belum mari kita jawab bersama-sama ya.
- What do you see in the picture? (answer: product packages)
- What are witten on those packages? (answer: label text)
- Why does a manufacturer write those texts? (answer: To give detailed information of the product.
Jadi yang kalian lihat di dalam gambar tersebut adalah bungkus dari beberapa produk. Di bungkus
produk-produk tersebut atau di dalam bungkus produk tersebut biasanya akan dituliskan sebuah teks
yang berisi informasi rinci dari produk yang biasanya kita sebut sebagai LABEL.
1. Definition of label
A label is a piece of paper, plastic film, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or product,
on which is written or printed information or symbols about the product or item. Information printed
directly on a container or article can also be considered labeling. Product labels can be made from a
variety of materials. Common materials include: paper or cardboard (often attached with plastic, twine
or metal staples), cloth, metal (often aluminum), and plastic.
Dari definisi di atas kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa Label adalah teks yang dituliskan di bungkus
produk, atau diselipkan di dalam bungkus produk, atau ditempelkan di produk untuk memberikan
informasi rinci dari produk tersebut.
2. Examples of label and their generic structure
Bagaimana contoh label dari sebuah produk dan bagian-bagiannya mari kita lihat beberapa contoh di
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