Asking and Giving Fact (Bertanya dan Memberi Fakta) Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Genap

 Asking and Giving Fact (Bertanya dan Memberi Fakta)

What is Fact? (Apa itu Fakta?)

Menurut Cambridge Dictionary Fakta adalah "Fact is something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which there is information". Merujuk pada artian tersebut maka fakta adalah sesuatu yang diketahui telah terjadi atau nyata adanya, khususnya sesuatu yang dibuktikan dengan nyata, atau yang mana ada informasi di dalamnya.

Contoh Kalimat Asking and Giving Fact

    What kind of music do you like? (Jenis musik apa yang kamu sukai?)

         Answer: I like K-Pop Music (Aku suka musik K-pop)

Where is the English teacher? (Dimana guru bahasa inggris-nya?)

        Answer: She is absent, because she's sick. (Dia tidak hadir karena dia sakit)

When will you finish your paper? (Kapan kamu akan menyelesaikan tugasmu?)

        Answer : I will finish it on the next meeting (Aku akan menyelesaikan itu pada pertemuan selanjutnya)

Why did you come to my house last night? (Kenapa kamu datang ke rumahku malam kemarin?)

        Answer: Because I was really worried about you. (Karena aku sangat khawatir denganmu)

Who kicks the ball? (Siapa yang menendang bolanya?)

        Answer: It's me (Itu aku)

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Fact

Dialogue I

Customer: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find mens wear? (Permisi, bisa anda tunjukkan di mana saya dapat menemukan pakaian pria?)

Shop Assistant: Sure. Mens wear is on the second floor. (Tentu. Pakaian pria adalah di lantai dua)

Customer: Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are? (Oh, lalu, bisa anda tunjukkan dimana kertas?)

Shop Assistant: No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back. (Tidak masalah, kertas ada di lantai ketiga di belakang.)

Customer: Thanks for your help. (Terima kasih atas bantuan anda.)

Shop Assistant: My pleasure. (Tidak apa-apa.)

Dialogue II

Rully : Hey, do you know about the news that post office was burned yesterday? (Hei, kau tahu tentang berita bahwa kantor pos terbakar kemarin?)

Lita : Yes, I've heard about it, but I didn't completely know about it. Please tell me more. (Ya, saya pernah mendengar tentang itu, tapi aku tidak benar-benar tahu. Tolong beri tahu saya.)

Rully : The post office was burned because of an electrical short circuit, but fortunately, 30 minutes later the fire department came and helped them putting out the fire. (Kantor pos terbakar karena konsleting listrik, tapi untungnya, 30 menit kemudian pemadam kebakaran datang dan membantu mereka memadamkan api.)

Lita : Is there any victim because of it? (Apakah ada korban karena itu?)

Rully : Fortunately, there were no people died in this accident. (Untungnya, tidak ada orang meninggal dalam kecelakaan ini.)

Lita : Thank God, no one hurt there. It was so awful. (Terima kasih Tuhan, tidak ada yang terluka di sana. Itu begitu mengerikan.)


Fill The Blank with WH Question. 

  1. __________ are the kids? They are outside now. 
  2. __________ is the baby in bed ? Because he is very tired. 
  3. __________ is the test? On Friday 
  4. __________ are the oranges? Two dollars a kilo 
  5. __________ is your sister? She is 17 years old today. 
  6. __________ color is the dress? It is green. 
  7. __________ do you go to work ? I go to work at about 7.00 p.m 
  8. __________ are my shoes? They are under the chair. 
  9. __________ are you home every day? At about 17:00 p.m. 
  10.  __________ is on the shelf? The radio.